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Immunity is a complex term as it involves the interaction of a number of bodily systems working together to perform a lot of functions. An immunologist is probably the best person to talk to, if you suspect you have an immune related issue. Now there may not be any standard test that would tell you weather your immunity is high or low, but there are certain markers worth looking into.  If you’re someone who has been living a hectic and stressful life recently, chances are that your immunity may have taken a hit. In this article, I would be going over some of the nutrition and lifestyle related factors worth looking into as it relates to immunity.   Lets start with sleep...

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Losing Weight by Calorie Deficit

So, the other day I was listening to a new client of mine go on about how she had tried everything from detox teas to hours on the treadmill to eating only salads at every meal for days, with the expectation of sizing down and becoming more athletic.  Its not surprising that with the advancement in technology everyone now has an easier reach towards the information that is going to solve all their problems, which further leads me wondering whether it’s the creators or the consumers or both spearheading this movement.  Fat loss as I assume we all would be aware of by now, is the result of a calorie deficit.  Before moving forward, lets get some terms out in...

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